Category: Canvouver

Canvouver Has Arrived

Canvouver CDs

As of a few hours ago, my new album, Canvouver, has officially gone live on all the streaming services, and is also available for purchase, both digitally (including lossless formats) and on CD (thanks to the awesomeness of Atomic Disc). Today (November 3rd) also happens to be Bandcamp Friday, so if you decide to pick …

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New Album, Canvouver, Wheels Out November 3rd, 2023

On Friday, November 3rd, my second album, the absurdly-titled Canvouver, wheels out the door, a mere seven months after its predecessor, Electrical Gremlin.  And it again features my bizarre cover art, this time featuring some sort of . . . sentient, self-driving giant can of “fancy whirlygigs”, the best of which are apparently imported from …

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